Audiology Services
Full diagnostic hearing tests for adults and children
Testing is conducted in a soundproof booth to ensure that results are accurate and reliable. We use multiple tests to determine your hearing status, these include:
Otoscopy: This is used to examine the condition of the ear canal and tympanic membrane (eardrum); it can reveal the cause of symptoms such as an earache and the ear feeling full.
Tympanometry: This test helps determine the nature of your possible hearing loss and is the test of choice to diagnose middle ear infections.
DpOAEs (Otoacoustic Emissions): This is a rapid test that assesses the functioning of the cochlear in the inner ear. This test is significant especially for children, individuals that are exposed to loud noise, and those whose hearing problems are related to medication.
Puretone audiometry: This a subjective test that determines your hearing level at different frequencies, it also provides future information about the nature of the possible hearing loss. You will be required to listen intently and press a button to indicate when you hear the presented tone.
Play audiometry and behavioral audiometry: These tests are similar to Puretone audiometry however they are used for younger children. Often 2 therapists are needed for this type of testing to help the child understand what is expected of them. Children will be required to either place a block in a bucket each time they hear the sound or they will need to turn towards the monitor playing cartoons each time they hear the sound.
Speech testing: Speech testing is used to receive more information about how you hear in the real world and can be a predictor of how well you will do with hearing aids if you have a hearing loss.

Full diagnostic hearing tests for industrial workers
Individuals who work in high-level noise are the most susceptible to developing hearing loss and tinnitus early on in life. This may have concerning consequences to the company these individuals work for.
We offer the following services to companies:
Full diagnostic hearing tests and reports that meet the standards set out by industrial audiology rules and regulations. These tests are for individuals who have been identified as having a possible hearing loss after a hearing screening has been conducted.
Hearing aids for those individuals that have required a noise-related hearing loss.

Wax removal
Some earwax is healthy and is needed to protect the ear from foreign bodies; however, some individuals experience wax build-up. This can cause a blocked, uncomfortable sensation in the ears and can feel as if you have a hearing loss. Wax should not be removed using earbuds or home remedies but rather by a trained professional. The audiologist will remove the wax in a safe manner using instruments such as curettes sticks and/or a water irrigation system.

Earplugs (musician, noise, and swim plugs)
Universal plugs that can be bought in a store are not always effective in achieving the desired outcome. Audiologists can provide you with custom plugs that are made specifically for your ear. A tight seal thus ensures water does not get into your ear when swimming or showering (swim plugs). Noise and musician plugs can be custom-made to cancel out a specific amount of loudness to ensure that you are hearing at a level that is safe.

Tympanometry (Middle ear evaluation)
This helps to determine the status of the middle ear. The test can assist in diagnosing middle ear infections.