Speech Therapy Service


Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is necessary for children who have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds, for example: /fink/ instead of /think/ or /wabbit/ instead of /rabbit/. Children also may need speech therapy if they still produce sound pattern errors that are often used to simplify speech by younger children when learning to speak, for example: /tea/ instead of /key/ or /nana/ instead of /banana/. Children who stutter (repeat certain syllables, words, or phrases) will also benefit from this service.


Language Therapy

Language therapy is important for children that struggle to understand and use different vocabulary, produce grammatically correct sentences and tell stories. Children who are second language English speakers can also benefit from this service, because if their English language skills are behind their peers it could affect them academically; depending on the language of instruction at their school.

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Auditory Processing Intervention

This service is necessary for children who have difficulty following instructions, remembering spoken language, listening in the classroom, discriminating sounds, and manipulating sounds in words. Children with auditory processing difficulties often have difficulty with reading and writing.

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Early Intervention

Early Intervention is extremely important! Children who receive therapy at an early age are more likely to demonstrate significant progress in the areas of language, speech, communication and cognition (thinking skills). Children under 4 years of age are seen in this service. These children are mainly your “late talkers” or the “quiet child”. As well as children who struggle to communicate their needs and wants verbally or non-verbally.

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Aural Rehabilitation

Children with hearing loss often have difficulties with listening, language and speech production; even after they have been fitted with a hearing device. Aural rehabilitation is important for these children in order to help improve their listening and spoken language. Megan Auby is specialised in Auditory Verbal Therapy (AVT) which is a method used for children to acquire spoken language and possibly catch up to their hearing peers.


Feeding Therapy

Most parents at one point or another experience frustration when it is time to feed their young child. This service is for children that are extremely fussy; these children often will gag or vomit if they do not want to eat something. They don’t just refuse one food item, they refuse most things. If your child has difficulty chewing, swallowing, or if there is a lot of spillage when they drink they could also benefit from feeding therapy.
