Hearing Aids & Accessories
Hearing Aid Fittings
After receiving a full hearing test, we will provide you feedback about the results. If a hearing loss was detected we might recommend hearing aids. We work with a variety of different hearing aid companies such as Oticon, Starkey, Phonak, Unitron and Signia. We will provide you with several options to choose from that best suit your hearing loss and lifestyle. You will have the opportunity to trail one set of hearing aids for free to help you navigate your decision. Once you purchase your hearing aids, we provide further adjustments and counseling to provide you with optimal use of your hearing aids. We also provide you with on-going services whenever you need changes made to your hearing aids.

Hearing Aid Technology
Technology nowadays is so advanced that hearing aids often feel as if they have been designed specifically for you! Hearing aids come in different shapes, colors, sizes, and have many different features; the options are limitless. Most hearing aids are small and discreet; there are hearing aids that sit behind your ear and there are hearing aids that are made to fit in your ear specifically. There are even rechargeable hearing aids available, this means that you no longer need to worry about running out of batteries! Anyone who struggles to hear understands the challenge of talking on a cellphone, there are now hearing aids that allow for connectivity with your iPhone as well as android devices; by streaming directly to your hearing aids talking on the phone is now made easier. Apps are available to help you make personal adjustments to your hearing devices for different listening situations. These apps provide other non-hearing related information such as your step count, language translator, and they can even alert your loved ones if you have had a fall. Hearing aids can provide you with a whole new listening experience, the sound quality is designed to be more natural and they can achieve this through artificial intelligence. The hearing aids are designed to learn from your listening environment to make sure you are having the closest to “normal” hearing experience possible.

FM systems
Addition devices such as an FM system can be used when noise increases and the distance between the listener and speaker becomes greater. This system is needed to maintain speech understanding while overcoming both distance and noise. The FM system functions by picking up the voice of a speaker and wirelessly transmitting it to the listener while reducing background noise. Those who can benefit from this system include anybody with any type of hearing loss and people who have auditory processing difficulties. FM systems are ideal for the classroom, lectures, business meetings, and restaurants.